March 22, 2015

Assisted Suicide Legislation to have informational hearing

The assisted suicide legislation is having a hearing on Monday, March 23rd.  The hearing is informational only, but CHA-MN will be watching this legislation closely.


S.F. 1880 Eaton Minnesota Compassionate Care Act of 2015.



Monday, March 23, 2015

***Revision 1: Agenda change***

Committee on Health, Human Services and Housing

Chair: Sen. Kathy Sheran
12 Noon
Room 15 Capitol
** If the committee does not finish the agenda at the 12:00 hearing it will recess and reconvene at 5:30pm in room 15 **
S.F. 311 Johnson, A. Exploited women and children rental assistance program establishment and appropriation.
S.F. 870 Eken Income tax credit for disabled accessibility home modifications.
S.F. 633 Franzen Chemical dependency providers medical assistance (MA) rate increase.
S.F. 948 Franzen Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) grants appropriation.
S.F. 655 Hayden Medical assistance (MA) part B Medicare crossover claims limitation exclusion.
S.F. 1049 Hayden International medical graduates council creation and appropriation.
S.F. 176 Rosen Community medical response emergency medical technicians certification establishment.
S.F. 1765 Rosen Pharmacy technicians to pharmacists ratio increase.
S.F. 1880 Eaton Minnesota Compassionate Care Act of 2015.
** There will only be a presentation of SF 1880 at this hearing. No action will be taken on the bill. Community listening sessions over the interim will allow for public comment and discussion. **
S.F. 454 Eaton Physician assistant program provisions modification.