Health Reform Task Force Approves Roadmap to a Healthier Minnesota
The Minnesota Health Reform Task Force approved the Roadmap to a Healthier Minnesota Thursday, December 13. The roadmap is a set of recommendations designed to transform Minnesota’s health system in order to get more health for the dollar.
The report outlines eight strategies for policymakers to consider as they work to implement federal and state health reforms, including recommendations regarding increased access, care integration and payment reform, prevention and public health and preparing the Minnesota health workforce of the future.
The task force met regularly over the past year and will submit the roadmap to the Governor and Legislature for their consideration. The roadmap includes interconnected strategies designed to transform health care and improve health in Minnesota. The draft roadmap is available at the task force web page. The final document will also be available at the same site.
The Health Reform Task Force was authorized by the Legislature to provide advice on federal and state health reform implementation. Members were appointed by Gov. Mark Dayton’s Order 11-30, signed Oct. 31, 2011. The task force held 65 public meetings across the state between November 2011 and December 2012. Approximately 1,500 people attended these public task force meetings, including more than 100 individuals and organizations that provided in-person testimony. More than 500 public comment letters also were submitted in response to task force discussions.